Thursday 21 August 2014

15 Tulisan Motivasi (2)

Affirmation Challenge, Day 8 [Physical Looks]: “I’m beautiful, just the way I am.”

Affirmation Challenge, Day 9 [Relationships]: "I'm in conscious relationships that elevate and support me."  
Affirmation Challenge, Day 10 [Love]: "From this moment on, I'm attracting my soulmate, and in time to come we'll meet and be forever bound in love and light."
Affirmation Challenge, Day 10 [Love]: "I'm in a loving relationship filled with unconditional love, trust, and respect." 
Affirmation Challenge, Day 11 [Career]: "I'm doing what I love, and earning lots of money doing it."
Affirmation Challenge, Day 12 [Wealth]: "I'm financially abundant, and money comes to me naturally." 
Affirmation Challenge, Day 13 [Health]: "I'm growing healthier and stronger every day."
Affirmation Challenge, Day 14 [Self-Image]: "I'm perfect as myself."
sumber personalexellence

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